Frequency_Output: Implementing a Frequency
Frequency_Output Function Block
This figure shows the pin diagram of the Frequency_Output function block:
The Frequency_Output function block implements frequencies.
A positive signal at i_xEn activates the block. The output signal starts with TRUE and holds this signal for a duration of (TimeBase * i_rIput) and then it changes to FALSE for a duration of TimeBase * (1-i_rIput).
If the input signal enters the edge range 0 to i_rEdge, the output signal no longer alternates and is continually FALSE. If it enters the range 1-i_rEdge to1 then the output signal is continuously TRUE.
If the signal at i_xEn is removed, the output signal remains at its current value until the function block is restarted through a positive signal at i_xEn.
This table describes the input pins of the Frequency_Output function block:
Input |
Data Type |
Description |
i_xEn |
TRUE: FB enabled FALSE: Disabled |
i_rIput |
Input value Range: 0.0...1.0 |
i_rEdge |
Input value Range: 0.0...1.0 |
i_tBase |
Time period Range: 0...4294967295 ms |
This table describes the output pins of the Frequency_Output function block:
output |
Data Type |
Description |
q_xActv |
function block active status |
q_xOput |
Output value |
Instantiation and Usage Example
The example use the following custom signal generators that creates 2 signals :
o A 5 seconds period signal that will be used as the input for the Frequency_Output function block.
o A 50 seconds period signal that will be used as the edge for the Frequency_Output function block.
This POU has a period of 10 ms in the MAST.
This figure shows the custom signal generator:
This example gives the following results:
Blue i_rEdge signal, period of 50 seconds.
Green i_rIput signal, period of 5 seconds.
Red q_xOput, output of the Frequency_Output function block.
This table shows the truth table:
Edge level |
Input level |
Output |
i_rEdge < 0.5 |
i_rIput < i_rEdge |
i_rEdge < i_rIput < (1-i_rEdge) |
PWM; duty = i_rIput |
(1 - i_rEdge) < i_rIput |
i_rEdge >= 0.5 |
i_rIput < i_rEdge |
i_rEdge <= i_rIput |
Example with i_rEdge < 0.5:
Example with i_rEdge >= 0.5:
Example: If the input at pin i_xEn is high, i_rIput input and initially i_rEdge input is set to 0.5 and i_tBase input is set to 1sec, then q_xOput is set for 500ms and reset for 500ms time period. After some time the input i_rEdge is changed to 0.7.
This figure shows the timing diagram of the above example: